Singing Guide: Marshmello & Bastille

Singing Guide: Marshmello & Bastille

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Marshmello & Bastille

Learning to sing like Marshmello and Bastille requires a mix of techniques and styles. Their music combines elements of pop, rock, and electronic dance music (EDM), making it a unique sound that's both energetic and emotional. Here are some tips and resources to help you develop your own style and sound like Marshmello and Bastille:

1. Analyze Your Voice

Before you start emulating Marshmello and Bastille's sound, it's essential to understand your own voice. Singing Carrots has a helpful article that can guide you through that process, including tips for how to observe and identify your vocal range, vocal type, timbre, and pitch accuracy. Here's the article.

2. Voice Type

Marshmello and Bastille have different voice types - Marshmello being a bass and Dan Smith of Bastille a baritone. Knowing your voice type can also help you choose suitable songs and techniques that complement your abilities. You can read more about voice types on Singing Carrots' website, including how to determine your voice type. Here's the article.

3. Breathing and Breath Support

Singing requires proper breath control and technique. Breathing is what fuels your singing; hence, knowing how to breathe well while singing is essential. Singing Carrots' article on active and passive breathing explains the basics of breathing essential for singing. Here's the article. Additionally, Singing Carrots has an informative piece on breath support, which outlines why the technique is important and how to develop it. Here's the article.

4. Voice Registers

Marshmello and Bastille's music features a mix of low and high notes. Therefore, understanding different voice registers, including chest voice and head voice, is important for developing a wide vocal range. Singing Carrots has an article that explains what voice registers are and how to transition between them without straining your voice. Here's the article.

5. Open Mouth and Throat

An open mouth and throat are essential for singers, as it improves your tone and volume. Singing Carrots' article explains the importance of having an open mouth and throat while singing, how to open it, and pre-singing preparation. Here's the article.

6. Song Learning

Learning new songs can help you develop your singing skills. Singing Carrots' blog has many articles on how to learn new songs, including tips on memorization, note-taking, and learning techniques. Here's the article.

7. Performing

Singing is not only about having a good voice quality but also performing confidently on stage. Singing Carrots' blog has an assortment of articles on stage fright, posture, and singing techniques for good performance. Here's the article. Additionally, Singing Carrots offers an online singing course for beginners that covers vocal exercises, techniques, and basic knowledge of music theory. Here's the course.

8. Song Recommendations

Marshmello and Bastille's music have a unique sound that requires both high notes and being able to switch between chest voice and head voice. Here are some popular songs that showcase their style and can help you enhance your singing skills:

  • Happier by Marshmello ft. Bastille
  • Silence by Marshmello ft. Khalid
  • Happier by Bastille
  • Pompeii by Bastille

Singing Carrots' song search tool can help you find more songs that fit your vocal range, preferred genre, and level of difficulty. Here's the tool.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.